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Chubby may be out in our current agro-scene but a change like this could prove that bigger is most definitely better. I'd say it's likely we'll be seeing fatties farming out their flesh to the highest bidder, growing bumper crops and selling them off on Agro Ebay. And given the human tendency toward exploitation we will probably witness a sad scenario or two in which the oblivious obese are taken advantage of by clever clippers who snip more than their share and if we want to talk about fertile ground for lawsuits -- when has the farmer ever been the farm?

The future is never a predictable place but I don't think anybody ever saw this one coming. In the last century, more science fiction writers saw us leaving the planet than changing the way we use this one and I don't think any of them predicted a closer relationship between human beings and the bodies that house them. There was a time when futurists feared that advanced technology would allow the human race to outgrow its use for bodies. But chances are we'll grow into a need for bigger better bodies instead.