The Earth Day Post!
There's no doubt that your kids might already be little green monsters. Don't worry, this isn't as bad as it sounds. Check out this article from the NYT, Pint-Size Eco-Police, Making Parents Proud and Sometimes Crazy, about kids who are teaching their parents a thing or two about green conscious living.
While the article pokes fun at the "pint-sized eco-police" and their reluctant-to-change parents, the upcoming Earth Day (April 22nd) is actually a great time to realign your values with your child's, while creating some inspiring earth-themed projects together.
If your kids are older, look for special events around town, they're happening across the U.S. throughout the month of April. Like, in downtown Edmonds, WA, where there is going to be an Art Walk on April 15 from 5:00pm - 8:15pm. They're celebrating with the "Arts For The Earth" initiative, a display of earth-inspired art and tastings of the local organic cheeses. If you're elsewhere, try browsing's official event calendar or looking in your local paper for stuff to do.
If you've got little ones, try some green-inspired craft projects. The lovely Nickie Knight of has some awesome crafts like the "litter bugs", made from bottle caps, old buttons, or whatever else may be laying around the house.
There are also some earth interactive crafts, like helping the local birds make nests. This tip (among others) comes from
1) Start out by grabbing a mesh bag (the one your onions or potatoes come in) and cutting the top open, making sure the cute is wide.
2) Then stuffing it with things like yarn, old stuffing from teddy bears or pillows, or dried grass.
3) When full, hang it somewhere birds can safely access it. Hopefully, a bird looking to nest will find it and use your materials in a tree nearby. This way, your child can really see what "reuse" means when it comes to interactive environment!
Whatever you decide to do, enjoy!
Parents, do you have any other great ideas for celebrating Earth Day with your little green monsters?